速報APP / 教育 / GP CSA Pro




檔案大小:13.3 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


GP CSA Pro(圖1)-速報App

All the cases are new, and have been carefully written to match the current 2019/2020 RCGP curriculum.

Our team of four writers are all GPs in London who are experienced in medical education. Our cases are standardised to ensure a high standard of training.

The founders of the app, Dr Hussain Al-Hashimi and Dr Kiran Sodha both have extensive experience and further training in medical education

We've created this app with GP trainees getting on-going feedback throughout the development process.

This app is intuitive and easy to use. Practice your CSA on the go easily with friends, family and colleagues.


- Choose 1 of 3 roles: Patient, Doctor or Examiner

- Built in timer

- 26 brand new cases

- Free cases available

- Scores and notes saved within app

GP CSA Pro(圖2)-速報App

- Full mark scheme

- It's on your phone - no more books!


- Dr Hussain Al-Hashimi

- Dr Kiran Sodha

- Dr May Abboudi

- Dr Leila Ball

About our Founders:

Dr Hussain Al-Hashimi is a GP at the Harley Street General Practice, London.

He is founder of App Doctor Medical Revision and has Interests in Emergency Medicine & Medical Education.

Dr Kiran Sodha is a Locum GP in London, across NHS and private clinics.

GP CSA Pro(圖3)-速報App

He has interests in Mental Health and Chronic Disease with a background in Health Technology Innovation.

It's time to stop reading, so hit download and get practicing!

GP CSA Pro(圖4)-速報App